Source code for

import json
from collections import Counter

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    from wordcloud import WordCloud
except BaseException:
    print("wordcloud er ikke installert, kan ikke lage ordskyer")

[docs] def make_cloud(json_text, top=100, background='white', stretch=lambda x: 2 ** (10 * x), width=500, height=500, font_path=None): """Create a word cloud from a frequency list.""" pairs0 = Counter(json_text).most_common(top) pairs = {x[0]: stretch(x[1]) for x in pairs0} wc = WordCloud( font_path=font_path, background_color=background, width=width, # color_func=my_colorfunc, ranks_only=True, height=height).generate_from_frequencies(pairs) return wc
[docs] def draw_cloud(sky, width=20, height=20, fil=''): """Draw a word cloud produced by :func:`make_cloud`.""" plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) plt.imshow(sky, interpolation='bilinear') figplot = plt.gcf() if fil != '': figplot.savefig(fil, format='png')
[docs] def cloud(df, column='', top=200, width=1000, height=1000, background='black', file='', stretch=10, font_path=None): """Make and draw a cloud from a pandas dataframe, using :func:`make_cloud` and :func:`draw_cloud`.""" if column == '': column = df.columns[0] data = json.loads(df[column].to_json()) a_cloud = make_cloud(data, top=top, background=background, font_path=font_path, stretch=lambda x: 2 ** (stretch * x), width=width, height=height) draw_cloud(a_cloud, fil=file)