Source code for dhlab.images.nbpictures

from typing import Union
from IPython.display import HTML
from PIL import Image

from dhlab.api.nb_search_api import iiif_manifest, super_search, total_search, load_picture

[docs] def pages(urn, scale=800): a = iiif_manifest(urn) return [page['images'][0]['resource']['@id'].replace(f"full/full/", "full/0,{s}/") for page in a['sequences'][0]['canvases']]
[docs] def get_url(urn, page=1, part=200): # urn as digit urn = "URN:NBN:no-nb_digibok_" + urn + '_{0:04d}'.format(page) print(urn) url = f"{urn}/full/0,{part}/native.jpg" return url
[docs] def page_urn(urn, page=1): # urn as digit return "URN:NBN:no-nb_digibok_" + urn + '_{0:04d}'.format(page)
[docs] def find_urls(term, number=50, page=0, mediatype='bilder'): """generates urls from super_search for pictures""" x = super_search(term, number, page, mediatype=mediatype) try: urls = [ f['_links']['thumbnail_custom']['href'] for f in x['_embedded']['items'] if f['accessInfo']['accessAllowedFrom'] == 'EVERYWHERE' and 'thumbnail_custom' in f['_links'] ] except: urls = [] return urls
[docs] def find_urls2(term, number=50, page=0): """generates urls from super_search for pictures""" x = super_search(term, number, page) try: urls = [ f['_links']['thumbnail_custom']['href'] for f in x['_embedded']['mediaTypeResults'][0]['result']['_embedded']['items'] if f['accessInfo']['accessAllowedFrom'] == 'EVERYWHERE' and 'thumbnail_custom' in f['_links'] ] except: urls = [' ... hmm ...'] return urls
[docs] def get_picture_from_urn(urn: Union[int, str], width: int = 0, height: int = 300): """Fetch the Image object with its URN identifier. :meta private: :param urn: The uniform resource name number :param width: Resolution width of the image. :param height: Resolution height of the image. :return: An :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image` object. """ meta = iiif_manifest(urn) if 'error' not in meta: if width == 0 and height == 0: url = f"{urn}/full/full/0/native.jpg" else: url = f"{urn}/full/{width},{height}/0/native.jpg" # print(url) return
[docs] def get_picture_from_url(url, width=0, height=300): return load_picture( url.format(width=width, height=height) ) )
[docs] def get_metadata_from_url(url): import re urn = re.findall("(URN.*?)(?:/)", url)[0] triple = iiif_manifest(urn) # print(urn, triple) r = dict() if not 'error' in triple: r = {x['label']: x['value'] for x in triple['metadata'] if 'label' in x} else: r = triple['error'] return r
[docs] def find_urns(term): """From result of super_search, to be fed into iiif_manifest""" ss = super_search(term) urns = [ f['metadata']['identifiers']['urn'] for f in ss['_embedded']['mediaTypeResults'][0]['result']['_embedded']['items'] if 'urn' in f['metadata']['identifiers'] ] return urns
[docs] def total_urls(number=50, page=0): """find urls sequentially """ x = total_search(number, page) try: urls = [ f['_links']['thumbnail_custom']['href'] for f in x['_embedded']['items'] if f['accessInfo']['accessAllowedFrom'] == 'EVERYWHERE' and 'thumbnail_custom' in f['_links'] ] except: urls = [] return urls
[docs] def json2html(meta): items = ["<dt>{key}</dt><dd>{val}</dd>".format(key=key, val=meta[key]) for key in meta] result = "<dl>{items}</dl>".format(items=' '.join(items)) return result
[docs] def display_finds(r): """A list of urls in r is displayed as HTML""" rows = ["<tr><td><img src='{row}'</td><td>{meta}</td></tr>".format(row=row, meta=json2html( get_metadata_from_url(row))).format(width=0, height=200) for row in r] return HTML("""<html><head></head> <body> <table> {rows} </table> </body> </html> """.format(rows=' '.join(rows)))